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Image Editing

Photo Editing 

The “how-to” topics on editing are almost without number and depend on which software you use and/or can afford.

Rich people or professionals use Adobe Photoshop, the de facto standard in image processing. The other options are again pretty much unlimited. 

The most popular are:-

Paint Shop Pro, now in version 10 (oh, sorry, X)

Photoshop Elements 3

ACDSee, Photo Canvas also bundled with “ACDSee 8 Photo Manager”

Microsoft Something-or-Other This is not a Microsoft Original Product (yeah, hard to believe, innit?) but an acquisition when MS bought Japanese software house “Creature House” in 2003 (?). It’s still in Beta (September, 2005), but you can read more about it here at Computerarts.

Look at the Links page to get a better list of websites that specialise in image editing tutorials.

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